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منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان

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 أحدث إصدارات البرنامج الإنشائى RISA-3D v9.1.1 (Install Only)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
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مدير عام المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 38
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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RISA-3D v9.1.1 (Install Only)

Size: 136 MB
أحدث إصدارات البرنامج الإنشائى RISA-3D v9.1.1 (Install Only) Screen
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أحدث إصدارات البرنامج الإنشائى RISA-3D v9.1.1 (Install Only) Info

Version 9.1.1 Enhancements/Corrections

Added integration with RISAConnection for hot rolled steel connection design
Made a number of enhancements associated with database shape values and presentation:

The AISC Database has been updated to include new shapes in the 13th Edition AISC Manual.
The section properties of AISC shapes have been updated to reflect new values in the 13th Edition AISC Manual.
When installing over an older version, the database of obsolete AISC shapes is retained as an “AISC_Backup” shape database.
AISC shapes in existing models, which have section properties that
differ from current database values by less than a specific tolerance,
are automatically assigned the new section properties. However, if the
difference in section properties exceeds the tolerance then the existing
section properties are retained with a new shape name which has an _HRA
Added "k" values to hot rolled steel databases to allow for better integration with RISAConnection
Design Lists updated for the new AISC shapes. Backups of older design lists are saved with a *.bak extension.
Enhanced integration with RISASection (version 2.0) to allow for code checks on imported Hot Rolled Steel shapes
Added a Print function to the Edit/View dialog in the Shape Database.
Enhanced the graphical rendering of General and Arbitrary Shapes to allow for easier identification of stron and weak axes

Added the IS 800-2007 Indian Steel code
Added tie down forces and shear forces to the Wood Wall In-Plane results spreadsheet.
Updated the cold-formed steel databases to be fully editable.
Improved the processing time for the creation of results browsers or flat file printing.
Improved the "Model Merge" utility so that the trim/extend wall panels option will also correct for non-coplanar walls.
Improved the interaction diagrams for concrete wall panels to make them more continuous.
Added an upper limit to the lip/width ratio for cold formed steel lipped
channel sections in order to properly calculate k (the plate buckling
Added a warning log message for masonry walls that use uncommon material
strengths with uncommon block sizes. Self-weight will not be accounted
for these walls and must be applied manually.
Added a graphical Re-Labeling options so that users can selectively
re-label existing items based on the current selection state. This also
allows user to apply a different prefix to selected items.
The EuroCode for Hot Rolled Steel (1993-1-1) now uses the AISC Cb
formula to calculate the C1 coefficient for beam lateral-torsional
buckling. this variable will be overridden when the user enters a value
in the design data for the member.
Fixed an issue with seismic detailing checks so that the "frames into
column strong axis" check will now only be performed for beams with
fully fixed ends.
Fixed an issue where running a load combination with a moving load in a model with concrete walls would cause an error.
Corrected an issue regarding member forces calculated from a Response
Spectra Analysis when using the Direct Analysis Method which could
result in un-conservative values for member moments and code checks.
Fixed a problem that caused an overstrength error message and no results to be displayed when a moving load was solved.
Corrected an issue with calculation of seismic and notional loads where
the self weight of walls was not being properly attributed to
intermediate diaphragm levels. Issue existed only for RISA-3D models
that were not linked to RISAFloor.
Corrected an issue where RSA load combinations were not properly triggering the AISC Seismic detailing calculations.
Corrected an issue where applying seismic detailing to Hbrace members caused a results browser error.
Corrected an issue where the Seismic Detailing Results would not display
properly for members defined with the function set to "gravity only".
Corrected the calculation of effective section modulus for Mny in HU cold-formed shapes.
Corrected an issue where point moments could be lost if applied at the same end of a member as a pinned moment release.
Corrected a problem with wall surface loads that touched opening edges, which caused results to be reported as infinity.
Fixed miscellaneous errors with detail reports for concrete beams when custom shear rebar layouts were used
Fixed an issue where concrete walls would not be designed if Z is the vertical axis.
Fixed an issue with wood walls where the header option for "Same as
Opening" was not using the same material from the copied header.
Fixed an error which could cause the Custom Wood Species counter to be off, preventing the model from opening.
Updated the HDU wood hold-down databases to correct the HDU14 5-1/2"
& 7-1/4" capacity values. The update will overwrite the old file and
back it up.
Fixed a Units issue with the chord capacity for wood shear walls
Fixed a problem that caused wall chord tension to be reported when there was none.

أحدث إصدارات البرنامج الإنشائى RISA-3D v9.1.1 (Install Only) Download

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علاء الدين محمد محمد محمد
مهندس بيشارك كويس
مهندس بيشارك كويس

عدد المساهمات : 88
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/04/2012
العمر : 55
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: أحدث إصدارات البرنامج الإنشائى RISA-3D v9.1.1 (Install Only)   أحدث إصدارات البرنامج الإنشائى RISA-3D v9.1.1 (Install Only) I_icon_minitimeالأحد 24 فبراير - 21:42

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
El Sayed El Naggar
مهندس جديد
مهندس جديد

عدد المساهمات : 10
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/02/2013
العمر : 45
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أحدث إصدارات البرنامج الإنشائى RISA-3D v9.1.1 (Install Only)
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