منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان

منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان
الرئيسيةالتسجيلأحدث الصوردخول


 منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات

اذهب الى الأسفل 
عصام محمود
6 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عصام محمود
عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى
عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى

عدد المساهمات : 2741
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2007
العمر : 39
رقم العضوية : 78
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مُساهمةموضوع: منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات   منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات I_icon_minitimeالجمعة 23 نوفمبر - 22:06

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اخوانى الأعزاء أنقل لكم هذا الموضوع الرائع والمفيد جدا والذى وصلنى من مجموعة الهندسة البريدية وقد نقلته لكم لأهميته دون أن أزيد او أنقص حرفا وذلك لإعطاء الأخ العزيز صاحب الموضوع حقه واليكم الموضوع
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اتحاد المجموعات البريديه الهندسيه
جروب افضل المهندسين
تحيه طيبه الى الاعضاء الكرام
والى كل المهندسين الزملاء فى كل التخصصات الهندسيه
اليوم اقدم لكم مجموعه من البرامج الهندسيه المتخصصه ومجموعه تعليميه من اسطوانات وادوات تعلم اللغات
بس قبل البدء فى القراءه يجب مراعاه الاتى
هذا المحتوى الموجود فى هذه الرساله مجانى تماما لوجه الله تعالى ومساهمه منى فى نشر امانه العلم و يمنع منعا باتا بيعه بأى صوره او شكل او مضمون او نسخ المحتوى على اسطوانات وترويجه بهدف الربح ومن يفعل ذلك
انا لا اسامحه ابدا وفى مقابل امواله لى حق القصاص منه يوم القيامه واخذ اجرى من حسناته
هذا المحتوى الله فقط وحده يعلم الوقت والجهد المبذول فى تجميعه من مواقع شتى على الانترنت
ليقع بين ايديكم ومساهمه منكم فلا تبخلو فى نشر امانه العلم الموجوده فى هذا المحتوى
ساهم فى نشره لكل من تعلم من اصدقائك وزملائك من المهندسين
ودى امانه انا بأمنها لكل من يجد نفسه مستفيدا من هذه الرسائل
التى ارسلها
عند نقل المحتوى الخاص بالرساله
اذا كان النقل لصديق او اخ لك فقط قم بعمل فورورد للرساله لكل من تحب
اما اذا كان نقل الرساله فى اى جروب علميه او هندسيه او موقع تعليمى عام او متخصص
يجب ذكر المصدر لحفظ الحق المبذول من الوقت الذى بذلته فى عمل هذه المجموعه القيمه من المعلومات
فقط اذكر الاتى
منقول عن رساله للمهندس محمود بكر
فى جروب افضل المهندسين
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] yahoo.com/ group/thebes_ engineers/
توضيح فقط بالنسبه لهذا الجزء لعدم اختلاط الامور عند البعض من الاخوه
ذكر المصدر حفظ لحقى ومجهودى
اما لنك الجروب ليس للأشهار ولا للدعايه ولا الاعلان وانما فقط
لعمل ارشيف مجمع للمحتوى العلمى والهندسى لكل من لم يكن مشتركا فى الجروب سابقا ويحب الاطلاع على الرسائل المتخصصه السابقه وللعلم يمكن للكل تصفح ارشيف الرسايل دون الاشتراك فى الجروب
اللهم بلغت اللهم فشهد امانه العلم واجبه لكل من ينهل من بحور العلم والمعرفه ووجب فقط التنويه
اسف للأطاله نبدأ الان فى المحتوى الخاص بالرساله
بسم الله وعلى بركه الله نبدأ
منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات CurriculumDVDface06-07_Revised_000
SolidWorks Curriculum and Courseware 2006 - 2007 Inc Crack

The SolidWorks Teacher Guide and Student Courseware provides over 500 pages of teaching resources, covering all major areas of interest including SolidWorks, PhotoWorks, SolidWorks Animator, Toolbox, and eDrawings Professional. Teacher Guide Companion files and Student Workbook Files are included, making it easy to print lessons or models, along with a syllabus, reproducible study sheets, hand-outs, quizzes, homework assignments, and individualized study projects and exercises.

This Curriculum typically includes Teacher along with Student versions, making it easy to print lessons or models, along with a syllabus, reproducible study sheets, hand-outs, quizzes, homework assignments, and individualized study projects and exercises.

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[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] com/files/ 71607375/ SolidWorks_ Curriculum_ and_Courseware_ 2006-2007. part05.rar
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] com/files/ 71607371/ SolidWorks_ Curriculum_ and_Courseware_ 2006-2007. part16.rar
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] com/files/ 71607367/ SolidWorks_ Curriculum_ and_Courseware_ 2006-2007. part15.rar
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Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Suite

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Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Suite | 3.73 GB

Team Foundation Server is a productive and effective solution for managing change across organizations of all sizes. Team Foundation Server enables you to securely manage all project artifacts and source code in one repository. At the same time, Team Foundation Server automatically captures the information you need to provide full traceability between source code, builds and work items (such as requirements, bugs and tests).

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عدل سابقا من قبل في السبت 24 نوفمبر - 13:07 عدل 5 مرات
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عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى

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تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2007
العمر : 39
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Microsoft.Visual. Studio.Team. System.2008. Team.Foundation. Server.Workgroup .Edition- ZWTiSO

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MS.Studio.Team. System.2008. Team.Foundation. Server.Workgroup .Edition | RS | 1.10GB

Team Foundation Server is a productive and effective solution for managing change across organizations of all sizes. Team Foundation Server enables you to securely manage all project artifacts and source code in one repository. At the same time, Team Foundation Server automatically captures the information you need to provide full traceability between source code, builds and work items (such as requirements, bugs and tests).

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Download Link :

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VirtualDrive Pro 11.5

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VirtualDrive Pro 11.5 | 40 Mb

FarStone’s best CD/DVD emulator offers all the virtual CD features and disc support of VirtualDrive. But it also comes with a full version of Virtual Hard Drive Pro, which lets you run files and applications in RAM up to 340 times faster than on your hard drive. VirtualDrive Pro 11.5 is a major product update with many new features, including ISO support and custom VCD cabinets.

Features & Benefits

* Virtual Hard Drive
Run your files and applications in RAM up to 340 times faster than on your hard drive
* Disc Support
VirtualDrive Pro reads CD-ROM discs, audio CDs, mixed-mode CDs, photo CDs, video CDs (DVD-ROMs data-mode), and unencrypted video DVDs, and offers the same game and disc support as VirtualDrive 11
* Free Live Update Subscription
Get the latest product features, patches, fixes, and game support. It’s free in all current versions of VirtualDrive Pro!
* Optimal Performance
Run games and applications as VCDs with access rates more than 200 times faster than physical discs. Plus, there’s no spin-up delay!
* CD/DVD Archiving
Organize your virtual CDs in a searchable library
* Intuitive GUI
VirtualDrive Pro’s streamlined, user-friendly interface gets you up and running in no time!
* Disc Backup
Protect your CDs and DVDs from loss, theft, and damage by using high-quality disc images (VCDs) instead
* Multiple Disc Play
Pre-load up to 23 virtual discs and toggle back and forth between games or virtual CD volumes without having to wait for physical discs to spin up
* Portability and Convenience
Transport your virtual CDs on a laptop, an external hard drive, and other common digital storage media
* Custom VCD Creation
Make a virtual CD file containing applications, documentation, expansion packs, etc. and share it over a network
* CD/DVD Burning
Burn data, music, and game CDs and DVDs directly from VirtualDrive, and make backup copies of your favorite game discs
* Windows Vista Support
VirtualDrive works on 64 and 32-bit Windows Vista, XP, 2000, and Server 2003

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Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise Edition - Multilingual

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Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise Edition - Multilingual
RAR | RS | 550 MB

MS Office Enterprise 2007 is the most complete Microsoft toolset, provided for people who must collaborate with others and work with information efficiently, regardless of location or network status. Office Enterprise 2007 builds on the strengths of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007, adding Microsoft Office Groove 2007 and Microsoft Office OneNote 2007, enabling people to collaborate and create, manage, and use information more efficiently. Here are the top 10 ways Office Enterprise 2007 can help you and your organization deliver better results faster.

The ambitious, ground-up rebuild of Microsoft Office Standard 2007 presents drastically different interfaces and new file formats. The new Office looks so unlike its predecessors, it’s likely to spark intense love-hate responses from users. This upgrade isn’t for everyone: If you’re patient, eager to try the latest tools, and willing to relearn most of what you already know about Office, then you may relish the challenge of Office 2007. Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 can produce more-polished documents and presentations, and Outlook’s new scheduling abilities make it a handier communications hub. Professionals who want to impress clients and co-workers with attractive reports, charts, and slide shows will find this a worthy upgrade. First-time Office users may have an easier time than veteran users getting their bearings.

Office 2007 does offer complex features that you can’t yet find elsewhere. However, it also falls short in key areas. Integration among the applications isn’t as thorough as we’d hoped, and there’s no one-click way to collaborate with others on an edit without buying Microsoft’s Groove online collaboration tool or working within a server setting. The advent of Office 2007 comes as a growing number of competing tools are simpler, cost less (if they aren’t free), and handle the same core features. Oddly, despite its bevy of Windows Live and Office Live services, Microsoft chose not to build a bridge to the Web for all Office users.

RS Download

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عدد المساهمات : 2741
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2007
العمر : 39
رقم العضوية : 78
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Audio Power Amplifier Design Handbook, Fourth Edition

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Douglas Self, "Audio Power Amplifier Design Handbook, Fourth Edition"
Newnes; 4 edition (August 22, 2006) | ISBN: 0750680725 | 488 pages | PDF | 7,1 Mb

Review of third edition
This is a true handbook in the just-about-everythi ng-youd-want- to-know-in- one-volume sense of the word... It is a resource for those who would like to gain some of Selfs deep understanding of the subtleties of amplifier designs.
Joshua Israelsohn, EDN

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Programming the PIC Microcontroller with MBASIC

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Jack Smith "Programming the PIC Microcontroller with MBASIC"
Publisher: Newnes | Pages: 800 | 2005-06-14 | ISBN:0750679468 | PDF | 12,3 Mb

The Microchip PIC family of microcontrollers is the most popular series of microcontrollers in the world. However, no microcontroller is of any use without software to make it perform useful functions. This comprehensive reference focuses on designing with Microchips mid-range PIC line using MBASIC, a powerful but easy to learn programming language. It illustrates MBASICs abilities through a series of design examples, beginning with simple PIC-based projects and proceeding through more advanced designs. Unlike other references however, it also covers essential hardware and software design fundamentals of the PIC microcontroller series, including programming in assembly language when needed to supplement the capabilities of MBASIC. Details of hardware/software interfacing to the PIC are also provided.

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MAGiX Audio Cleaning Lab 12 v8.01

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MAGiX Audio Cleaning Lab 12 v8.01 | 110 MB

Digitize your records, tapes, and all other audio sources, quickly and easily and without any prior experience.Easily record with the all-round recorder and remove distortions from every recording. Then burn your music straight to CD or DVD from within the software.

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عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى

عدد المساهمات : 2741
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2007
العمر : 39
رقم العضوية : 78
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Advanced Automotive Fault Diagnosis

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Tom Denton "Advanced Automotive Fault Diagnosis, Second Edition"
Publisher: Butterworth- Heinemann | Pages: 288 | 2006-08-22 | ISBN: 0750669918 | PDF | 6,7 Mb

Diagnostics, or fault finding, is a fundamental part of an automotive technician’s work, and as automotive systems become increasingly complex there is a greater need for good diagnostic skills. Advanced Automotive Fault Diagnosis is the only book to treat automotive diagnostics as a science rather than a check-list procedure. Each chapter includes basic principles and examples of a vehicle system followed by the appropriate diagnostic techniques, complete with useful diagrams, flow charts, case studies and self-assessment questions. The book will help new students develop diagnostic skills and help experienced technicians improve even further.

This new edition is fully updated to the latest technological developments. Two new chapters have been added On-board diagnostics and Oscilloscope diagnostics and the coverage has been matched to the latest curricula of motor vehicle qualifications, including: IMI and C&G Technical Certificates and NVQs; Level 4 diagnostic units; BTEC National and Higher National qualifications from Edexcel; International Motor Vehicle qualifications such as C&G 3905; and ASE certification in the USA.

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MIRROR [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] .com/files/ 2454892

Steels: Microstructure and Properties

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Harry Bhadeshia, Robert Honeycombe, "Steels: Microstructure and Properties"
Butterworth- Heinemann; 3 edition (August 18, 2006) | ISBN: 0750680849 | 360 pages | PDF | 6,7 Mb

Book Review, December 17, 2001
Reviewer: Kanyakumari Datta (The Netherlands)

It is a very comprehensive guide for scientists, engineers and technologists working with steels. It describes the fundamentals with real-life examples. It is a pleasure to own a copy of this book.

Book Description
Steels represent the most widely-used metallic alloy, possessing a wide range of microstructures and mechanical properties. By examining the mechanical properties of steels in conjunction with microstructure this book provides a valuable description of the development and behaviour of these materials - the very foundation of their widespread use. Updated throughout and including new chapters on nanostructured steels, and new alloys and technologies for the energy and automobile industries, the book is clearly written and illustrated, with extensive bibliographies and real-life examples. An essential reference, both compact and readily comprehensive, for metallurgists and engineers in both industry and academia.

Covers the microstructure, mechanical behaviour and properties of steels, the most widely-used metallic alloy
· Thoroughly updated with new materials and technologies, plus a new accompanying set of exercises and solutions for teaching use
· Respected author team who bring their wide experience to students and professionals

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Integral Mechanical Attachment: A Resurgence of the Oldest Method of Joining

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Robert W. Messler, "Integral Mechanical Attachment: A Resurgence of the Oldest Method of Joining"
Butterworth- Heinemann; 1 edition (June 5, 2006) | ISBN: 0750679654 | 432 pages | PDF | 8,7 Mb

Integral Mechanical Attachment, highlights on one of the worlds oldest technologies and makes it new again. Think of buttons and toggles updated to innovative snaps, hooks, and interlocking industrial parts. Mechanical fasteners have been around as long as mankind, but manufacturers of late have been re-discovering their quick, efficient and fail proof advantages when using them as interlocking individual components as compared with such traditional means of joining materials like welding, soldering, gluing and using nuts bolts, rivets and other similar devices.

For many years, it has been virtually impossible to find a single-source reference that provides an overview of the various categories of fastening systems and their various applications. Design engineers should find this book to be an invaluable source of detailed, illustrated information on how such fasteners work, and how they can save time and money. Students, too, will find this book to be extremely useful for courses in mechanical design, machine design, product development and other related areas where fastening and joining subjects are taught. This will be the first reference book to come along in many years that will fully illustrate the major classes of integral mechanical fasteners, replete with examples of typical assembly and ideas and suggestions for further research.

* Covers all major techniques for integral mechanical attachment within the context of other types of joining including chemical (adhesive) bonding, melting and solidification (welding, soldering, brazing), and mechanical joining (fasteners and part features)
* Includes specific chapters for particular attachment considerations by materials type, including metals, plastics, ceramics, glass, wood, and masonry
* Provides unique coverage of mechanical/electric al connections for reliable contact and use

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Handbook of Heat Transfer

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Warren M. Rohsenow, James P. Hartnett, Young I. Cho, "Handbook of Heat Transfer"
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional | Pages: 1344 | 1998-05-01 | ISBN:0070535558 | PDF | 20 Mb

This wholly revised edition of a classic handbook reference, written by some of the most eminent practitioners in the field, is designed to be your all-in-one source book on heat transfer issues and problem-solving. It includes the latest advances in the field, as well as covering subjects from microscale heat transfer to thermophysical properties of new refrigerants. An invaluable guide to this most crucial factor in virtually every industrial and environmental process.

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عدد المساهمات : 2741
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العمر : 39
رقم العضوية : 78
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RF and Microwave Transistor Oscillator Design

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Andrei Grebennikov, "RF and Microwave Transistor Oscillator Design"
Wiley (June 11, 2007) | ISBN:0470025352 | 458 pages | PDF | 9,1 Mb

The increase of consumer electronics and communications applications using Radio Frequency (RF) and microwave circuits has implications for oscillator design. Applications working at higher frequencies and using novel technologies have led to a demand for more robust circuits with higher performance and functionality, but decreased costs, size and power consumption. As a result, there is also a need for more efficient oscillators.

This book presents up to date information on all aspects of oscillator design, enabling a selection of the best oscillator topologies with optimized noise reduction and electrical performance. RF and Microwave Transistor Oscillator Design covers:
analyses of non-linear circuit design methods including spectral-domain analysis, time-domain analysis and the quasilinear method;
information on noise in oscillators including chapters on varactor and oscillator frequency tuning, CMOS voltage-controlled oscillators and wideband voltage-controlled oscillators;
information on the stability of oscillations, with discussions on the stability of multi-resonant circuits and the phase plane method;
optimized design and circuit techniques, beginning with the empirical and analytic design approaches, moving on to the high-efficiency design technique;
general operation and design principles of oscillators, including a section on the historical aspects of oscillator configurations.

A valuable reference for practising RF and Microwave designers and engineers, RF and Microwave Transistor Oscillator Design is also useful for lecturers, advanced students and research and design (R&D) personnel.

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Switching Power Supplies A to Z

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Sanjaya Maniktala, "Switching Power Supplies A to Z"
Newnes; Har/Cdr edition (June 22, 2006) | ISBN: 0750679700 | 528 pages | PDF | 4,5 Mb

The design of Switching Power Supplies has become one of the most crucial aspects of power electronics, particularly in the explosive market for portable devices. Unfortunately, this seemingly simple mechanism is actually one of the most complex and under-estimated processes in Power Electronics. Switching power conversion involves several engineering disciplines: Semiconductor Physics, Thermal Management, Control Loop theory, Magnetics etc, and all these come into play eventually, in ways hard for non-experts to grasp.

This book grows out of decades of the authors experience designing commercial power supplies. Although his formal education was in physics, he learned the hard way what it took to succeed in designing power supplies for companies like Siemens and National Semiconductor. His passion for power supplies and his empathy for the practicing or aspiring power conversion engineer is evident on every page.

* The most comprehensive study available of the theoretical and practical aspects of controlling and measuring Electromagnetic Interference in switching power supplies, including input filter instability considerations.
* Step-by-step and iterative approach for calculating high-frequency losses in forward converter transformers, including Proximity losses based on Dowell's equations.
* Thorough, yet uniquely simple design flow-chart for building DC-DC converters and their magnetic components under typical wide-input supply conditions
* Step-by-step, solved examples for stabilizing control loops of all three major topologies, using either transconductance or conventional operational amplifiers, and either current-mode or voltage-mode control.

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Power Distribution Network Design for VLSI

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Qing K. Zhu "Power Distribution Network Design for VLSI"
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience | Pages: 207 | 2004-02-19 | ISBN:0471657204 | PDF | 4,8 Mb

A hands-on troubleshooting guide for VLSI network designers
The primary goal in VLSI (very large scale integration) power network design is to provide enough power lines across a chip to reduce voltage drops from the power pads to the center of the chip. Voltage drops caused by the power network’s metal lines coupled with transistor switching currents on the chip cause power supply noises that can affect circuit timing and performance, thus providing a constant challenge for designers of high-performance chips.
Power Distribution Network Design for VLSI provides detailed information on this critical component of circuit design and physical integration for high-speed chips. A vital tool for professional engineers (especially those involved in the use of commercial tools), as well as graduate students of engineering, the text explains the design issues, guidelines, and CAD tools for the power distribution of the VLSI chip and package, and provides numerous examples for its effective application.

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Signal Processing of Power Quality Disturbances

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Math H. J. Bollen, Irene Gu "Signal Processing of Power Quality Disturbances (IEEE Press Series on Power Engineering) "
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press | Pages:861 | 2006-08-04 | ISBN:0471731684 | PDF | 19,5 Mb

This innovative new text brings together two leading experts, one from signal processing and the other from power quality. Combining their fields of expertise, they set forth and investigate various types of power quality disturbances, how measurements of these disturbances are processed and interpreted, and, finally, the use and interpretation of power quality standards documents.

As a practical aid to readers, the authors make a clear distinction between two types of power quality disturbances:
Variations: disturbances that are continuously present
Events: disturbances that occur occasionally

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عدد المساهمات : 2741
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2007
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رقم العضوية : 78
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عدد المساهمات : 2741
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2007
العمر : 39
رقم العضوية : 78
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Guide to Electric Power Generation

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Anthony J. Pansini, K.D. Smalling, "Guide to Electric Power Generation"
Fairmont Press; 3 edition (November 3, 2005) | ISBN:0849395119 | 269 pages | PDF | 4,6 Mb

This fully illustrated reference brings you detailed coverage of the full spectrum of equipment and processes used in the production of electricity, from the basics of energy conversion, to prime movers, generators, and boilers. The reader will find much useful information on the characteristics of fuels, including coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear and others, along with proper methods for handling them and their residues. Also extensively covered are internal combustion engines, steam turbines, and reciprocating steam engines. Feedwater treatment, ash removal reliability, operation and maintenance considerations are all examined in detail. The second edition expands coverage of gasification of coal, gas turbines and effective use of generation in place of efficiency measures.

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Fouling of Heat Exchangers

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T.R. Bott, "Fouling of Heat Exchangers"
Elsevier Science (April 1, 1995) | ISBN: 0444821864 | 546 pages | PDF | 21, 6 Mb

...should provide an excellent reference for designers and operators of heat exchange equipment dealing with multiple heat exchange processes which require insights into fundamentals of fouling to quickly assess the nature of the problem and arrive at a solution. The book is also a good supplementary reference for any fundamental course on heat transfer or heat exchanger design.

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Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design

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Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering /Math | 2006-10-25 | ISBN:0073312606 | Pages:1059 | PDF | 5.5 MB

Book Description:

The eighth edition of Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design maintains the basic approaches that have made this book the standard in machine design for over 40 years. At the same time it combines the straightforward focus on fundamentals instructors have come to expect with a modern emphasis on design and new applications. Overall coverage of basic concepts are clear and concise so that readers can easily navigate key topics. This edition includes a new case study to help illuminate the complexities of shafts and axles and a new finite elements chapter. Problem sets have been improved, with new problems added to help students progressively work through them. The book website includes ARIS, which is a homework management system that will have 90 algorithmic problems.


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Fire Safety Engineering, Second Edition: Design of Structures

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Fire Safety Engineering, Second Edition: Design of Structures
Publisher: Butterworth- Heinemann | 2006-12-07 | ISBN 0750664436 | Pages: 424 | PDF | 2.4 MB

Fire Safety Engineering: Design of Structures provides the knowledge needed to design a structure which will withstand the effects of fire.

The book covers everything from design concerns and philosophies, regulatory control, the behaviour characteristics of natural fires through to the properties of different materials at elevated temperatures.

Focusing on the fire sections of the Structural Eurocodes, the book provides detailed design advice on each of the main structural elements such as concrete, steel, composite steel-concrete, timber, and masonry, aluminium, plastics and glass.

J. A Purkiss, Consultant, previously lectured Structural Engineering at Aston University. His main areas of research were the behaviour of concrete, concrete composite materials and concrete structures at elevated temperatures, the experimental determination of the effects of spalling and its modelling using coupled heat and mass transfer, the determination of the characteristics of fire damaged concrete structures.

* Design methods based on the fire sections of the new Structural Eurocodes
* Worked calculations and examples clearly illustrate the effect of temperature rise and structural performance of structural elements
* Essential reading for Structural Engineers, Building Designers, Architects, Fire Engineers and Building Control Officers


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Introduction to Fire Safety Management: The handbook for students on NEBOSH and other fire safety courses

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Introduction to Fire Safety Management: The handbook for students on NEBOSH and other fire safety courses
Butterworth- Heinemann | ISBN 0750680687 | October 26, 2007 | 440 pages | PDF File | 34mb RAR Download

Introduction to Fire Safety Management has been developed for the NEBOSH Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management and is also suitable for other NVQ level 3 and 4 fire safety courses. The text is highly illustrated in full colour, easy to read and supported by checklists, report forms and record sheets. This practical approach makes the book a valuable reference for health and safety professionals, fire officers, facility managers, safety reps, managers, supervisors and HR personnel in companies, as well as fire safety engineers, architects, construction managers and emergency fire services personnel.

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Recent Advances in Mechatronics

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Ryszard Jablonski, Mateusz Turkowski, Roman Szewczyk, "Recent Advances in Mechatronics"
Springer; 1 edition (October 12, 2007) | ISBN:3540739556 | 693 pages | PDF | 30,8 Mb

Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of precision engineering, electronics, photonics and IT engineering. The main research task for mechatronics is development and control of advanced hybrid systems covering all these fields and supported by interdisciplinary studies.

This book presents recent state of advances in mechatronics presented on the 7th International Conference Mechatronics 2007, hosted at the Faculty of Mechatronics, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. The chosen topics of the conference included: Nanotechnology, Automatic Control and Robotics, Biomedical Engineering, Design Manufacturing and Testing of MEMS, Metrology, Photonics, Mechatronic Products. The selected papers give an overview of the state-of-the- art and present new research results and prospects of the future development in this interdisciplinary field of mechatronic systems. This book will provide up-to-date and useful knowledge for researchers and engineers involved in mechatronics and related fields.

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Pocket Guide to Chemical Engineering

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Carl R. Branan, "Pocket Guide to Chemical Engineering"
Gulf Professional Publishing (November 4, 1999) | ISBN:0884153118 | 160 pages | PDF | 4,2 Mb

Here, in a compact, easy-to-use format, are practical tips, handy formulas, correlations, curves, charts, tables, and shortcut methods that will save engineers valuable time and effort. Hundreds of common sense techniques and calculations help users quickly and accurately solve day-to-day design, operations, and equipment problems.

Book Info
A compact guide providing selected rules of thumb, practical tips, handy formulas, and proven shortcut methods for solving daily design, operations, and equipment problems. Softcover. DLC: Chemical engineering. etc.

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عدد المساهمات : 2741
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2007
العمر : 39
رقم العضوية : 78
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Recent Advances in Mechatronics

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Ryszard Jablonski, Mateusz Turkowski, Roman Szewczyk, "Recent Advances in Mechatronics"
Springer; 1 edition (October 12, 2007) | ISBN:3540739556 | 693 pages | PDF | 30,8 Mb

Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of precision engineering, electronics, photonics and IT engineering. The main research task for mechatronics is development and control of advanced hybrid systems covering all these fields and supported by interdisciplinary studies.

This book presents recent state of advances in mechatronics presented on the 7th International Conference Mechatronics 2007, hosted at the Faculty of Mechatronics, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. The chosen topics of the conference included: Nanotechnology, Automatic Control and Robotics, Biomedical Engineering, Design Manufacturing and Testing of MEMS, Metrology, Photonics, Mechatronic Products. The selected papers give an overview of the state-of-the- art and present new research results and prospects of the future development in this interdisciplinary field of mechatronic systems. This book will provide up-to-date and useful knowledge for researchers and engineers involved in mechatronics and related fields.

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The Laser Guidebook

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Jeff Hecht , "The Laser Guidebook"
McGraw-Hill Professional; 2 edition (September 1, 1999) | ISBN: 0071359672 | 486 pages | PDF | 3,3 Mb

The laser is rapidly finding more and varied applications in science, engineering, industry, medicine, and entertainment. This book is written to help end-users quickly and easily choose the laser best suited to their needs. It is designed for ease of use and to explain the operation and characteristics of different types of lasers. Although there is some coverage of internal physics, the strong emphasis is on practical characteristics of lasers such as output power, wavelength, cooling and types of devices commercially available. The Second Edition includes all-new chapters on x-ray lasers, free-electron lasers, semiconductor lasers (used in CD players), and fiber lasers, as well as complete updates to all First Edition chapters. A volume in the Optical and Electro-Optical Engineering Series

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Complete Wireless Design

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Cotter W. Sayre, "Complete Wireless Design"
McGraw-Hill Professional; 1 edition (January 22, 2001) | ISBN: 0071370161 | 547 pages | PDF | 2,8 Mb

Easily design today’s wireless systems and circuits. Design an entire radio system from the ground up instead of relying on a simple plug-in selection of circuits to be modified. Avoid an arduous trek through theory and mathematical derivations. Cotter Sayre’s Complete Wireless Design covers wireless hardware design more thoroughly than any other handbook —and does it without burying you in math.

This new guide from today’s bestselling wireless author gives you all the skills you need to design wireless systems and circuits. If you want to climb the learning curve with grace, and start designing what you need immediately, this reasonably priced resource is your best choice. It’s certain to be the most-used reference in your wireless arsenal for designing cutting-edge filters, amplifiers, RF switches, oscillators, and more. You get:
Simplified calculations for impedance matching, analysis of wireless links, and completing a frequency plan
Real-world examples of designing with RFIC’s and MMIC’s
Full circuit and electromagnetic software simulations

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Performance Optimization of Digital Communications Systems

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Vladimir Mitlin, " Performance Optimization of Digital Communications Systems"
AUERBACH; 1 edition (March 21, 2006) | ISBN:354073290X | 224 pages | PDF | 7,9 Mb

Because fine-tuning the parameters of a system is critical to a developer's success, Performance Optimization of Digital Communications Systems examines particular optimization problems in digital communications, presenting analytical techniques in combination with SystemView and MATLAB® simulations. Consisting of ten chapters, this monograph presents a unique method for determining the quality of a communications channel - a great advantage to any company that uses this method. The book presents a method for the transmission of proprietary data. It also describes the means to reduce the peak-to-average power ratio and introduces optimal phase shifters for multicarrier communication systems. This volume contains numerous illustrations and includes appendices that offer optimization puzzles, MATLAB scripts, and some newly discovered properties of flat-spectrum and spectrum-shaped waveforms.

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Engineering Maintainability: : How to Design for Reliability and Easy Maintenance

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Ph.D., B.S. Dhillon, "Engineering Maintainability: : How to Design for Reliability and Easy Maintenance"
Gulf Professional Publishing (June 16, 1999) | ISBN:088415257X | 254 pages | PDF | 8,5 Mb

This book provides the guidelines and fundamental methods of estimation and calculation needed by maintainability engineers. It also covers the management of maintainability efforts, including issues of organizational structure, cost, and planning processes. Questions and problems conclude each chapter.

Book Info
Provides a detailed introduction to the important aspects of maintainability design, presenting traditional and modern concepts to meet the challenges of system design in the 21st century. Describes how to engineer for reliability and easy maintenance from the first stages of product design.

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Practical Introduction to Pumping Technology

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Uno Wahren, "Practical Introduction to Pumping Technology"
Gulf Professional Publishing | ISBN:0884156869 | 184 pages | PDF | 8,1 Mb

Here is a convenient, concise reference book for pump users, application engineers, technicians, and buyers. It contains, in condensed form, valuable information on selecting centrifugal and positive-displaceme nt pumps for given applications, creating the necessary documentation, choosing equipment manufacturers, and checking vendor data. You will find a complete explanation of the types of pumps and the terms and parameters used in pump applications. This book outlines the data required by the client, engineer, and buyer to obtain a comprehensive quote.

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Secrets of RF Circuit Design

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Joseph J. Carr, "Secrets of RF Circuit Design"
McGraw-Hill/ TAB Electronics; 3 edition (December 11, 2000) | ISBN: 0071370676 | 544 pages | PDF | 5 Mb

If you like hands-on electronics, you’ll love Secrets of RF Circuit Design, Third Edition, by Popular Electronics writer Joe Carr. This update of the favorite RF circuit guide of thousands of electronics enthusiasts takes you inside wireless technology with step-by-step, illustrated directions for dozens of usable projects. This super guide demonstrates RF theory as it shows you how to overcome the technical and materials challenges facing those who build real-world electronics. You learn how to design and build receiver circuits, RF bridges, amplifiers, receiver preselectors, simple spectrum analyzers, and time domain reflectometers. You get detailed insights into simple RF instruments, as well as UHF and microwave components…complete troubleshooting guidance…and handy parts lists and components sources. This new edition packs the latest information on directional and hybrid couplers, and seven new chapters on demodulators, circuit vectors, measuring L-C circuits, and filtering circuits against EMI.

“…a great book on wireless technology for persons starting out in RF electronics, as well as for RF technicians and ham radio operators.” ---Cotter W. Sayre, author of The Complete RF Technician’s Handbook (Amazon.com review)

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عصام محمود
عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى
عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى

عدد المساهمات : 2741
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2007
العمر : 39
رقم العضوية : 78
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات   منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات I_icon_minitimeالجمعة 23 نوفمبر - 22:21

Metro Area Networking (McGraw-Hill Networking Professional)

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Metro Area Networking (McGraw-Hill Networking Professional)
McGraw-Hill Professional; 1 edition | ISBN: 0071399143 | 327 pages | October 23, 2003 | PDF | 2 Mb

Broadband in the Metro Area has proven to be telecom’s one bright spot in 2001 – all the long haul backbone capacity in the world does you no good if you can’t move your data through the Metro bottleneck. But service providers are wrestling with all manner of technology choices (SONET? DWDM? Ethernet? The coming 10Gig Ethernet?), and also face the challenge of easily and effectively accessing SANs and VPNs. Quality of service issues are crucial in recruiting and maintaining customers Steven Shepard lays bare the tricks and traps awaiting service providers in the metro area space, detailing the technological challenges and opportunities in his trademark lucid, humorous prose.

Скачать | Download - (2 Mb)
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Digital Design: Principles and Practices, Third Edition

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Digital Design: Principles and Practices, Third Edition
Prentice Hall; 3rd Bk&Cdr edition | ISBN: 0137691912 | 949 pages | August 1999 | PDF | 4 Mb

Real-world yet scholarly in approach, this book provides a solid foundation in the elements of basic digital electronics and switching theory that are used in most practical digital designs today, and builds on that theory with discussions of real-world digital components, design methodologies, and tools.

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Digital Design: Principles and Practices, Third Edition

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Digital Design: Principles and Practices, Third Edition
Prentice Hall; 3rd Bk&Cdr edition | ISBN: 0137691912 | 949 pages | August 1999 | PDF | 4 Mb

Real-world yet scholarly in approach, this book provides a solid foundation in the elements of basic digital electronics and switching theory that are used in most practical digital designs today, and builds on that theory with discussions of real-world digital components, design methodologies, and tools.

Скачать | Download - (4 Mb)
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Electrical Distribution Engineering

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Anthony J. Pansini, "Electrical Distribution Engineering"
Fairmont Press | ISBN: 0849382491 | 3 edition (November 10, 2006) | PDF | 535 pages | 6951 KB

Newly revised and edited, this comprehensive volume provides up-to-date information on the latest developments which impact planning and design of electrical distribution systems. Addressing topics such as mechanical designs, materials improvements, total quality control, computer, and electronic circuitry, this book answers questions on everything from the basics of electrical and mechanical design to the selection of optimum materials and equipment. Beginning with initial planning consideration, this book gives a step-by-step guide through each stage of mechanical design of the principal facilities, including substation installation. Also included is data-backed assessment of the latest advance in materials, conductors, insulators, transformers, regulators, capacitators, switches, and substation equipment. Also covered is key non-technical and operation considerations such as safety, quality of service, load shedding, brownouts, demand controls and more. New material in the third edition includes data on polymer insulators, expansion of coverage of cogeneration, distributed generation and underground systems.

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Microprocessor Design

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Grant McFarland, "Microprocessor Design"
McGraw-Hill Professional | ISBN: 0071459510 | 1 edition (April 1, 2006) | PDF | 408 pages | 5 MB

Gain a Working Knowledge of the Entire Microprocessor Design Flow

This unique step-by-step guide is a complete introduction to modern microprocessor design, explained in simple nontechnical language without complex mathematics. An ideal primer for those working in or studying the semiconductor industry, Microprocessor Design explains all the key concepts, terms, and acronyms needed to understand the steps required to design and manufacture a microprocessor.

Developed from a successful corporate training course, this hands-on learning guide walks readers through every step of microprocessor design. You'll follow a new processor product from initial planning through design to production. In Microprocessor Design, the author converts his real-world design and teaching experience into an easy-to-follow reference employing an on-the-job-training approach to cover:
# The evolution of microprocessors
# Microprocessor design planning
# Architecture and microarchitecture
# Logic design and circuit design
# Semiconductor manufacturing
# Processor packaging and test

This authoritative reference is an excellent introduction for students or engineers new to processor design and can show industry veterans how their specialty fits into the overall design flow. This accessible and practical guide will provide the reader with a broad working knowledge of the concepts of microprocessor design, as well as an understanding of the individual steps in the process and the jargon used by the industry.

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Handbook of Power System Engineering

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Yoshihide Hase, "Handbook of Power System Engineering"
Wiley; 1 edition (June 15, 2007) | ISBN:0470027428 | 574 pages | PDF | 8,7 Mb

Maintaining the reliable and efficient generation, transmission and distribution of electrical power is of the utmost importance in a world where electricity is the inevitable means of energy acquisition, transportation, and utilization, and the principle mode of communicating media. Our modern society is entirely dependent on electricity, so problems involving the continuous delivery of power can lead to the disruption and breakdown of vital economic and social infrastructures.

This book brings together comprehensive technical information on power system engineering, covering the fundamental theory of power systems and their components, and the related analytical approaches.

Key features:
Presents detailed theoretical explanations of simple power systems as an accessible basis for understanding the larger, more complex power systems.
Examines widely the theory, practices and implementation of several power sub-systems such as generating plants, over-head transmission lines and power cable lines, sub-stations, including over-voltage protection, insulation coordination as well as power systems control and protection.
Discusses steady-state and transient phenomena from basic power-frequency range to lightning- and switching-surge ranges, including system faults, wave-form distortion and lower-order harmonic resonance.
Explains the dynamics of generators and power systems through essential mathematical equations, with many numerical examples.
Analyses the historical progression of power system engineering, in particular the descriptive methods of electrical circuits for power systems.

Written by an author with a wealth of experience in the field, both in industry and academia, the Handbook of Power System Engineering provides a single reference work for practicing engineers, researchers and those working in industry that want to gain knowledge of all aspects of power systems. It is also valuable for advanced students taking courses or modules in power system engineering.

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Channel Coding in Communication Networks: From Theory to Turbo Codes

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Alain Glavieux (Editor), "Channel Coding in Communication Networks: From Theory to Turbo Codes"
ISTE Publishing Company | ISBN: 190520924X | September 1, 2006 | PDF | 416 pages | 3.7 MB

Using information theory and fundamental theorems on source and channel coding, this book describes the basics of channel coding and advanced coding techniques known as turbo codes. A discussion of lock codes and convolutional codes, including input- and output-decoding algorithms and recursive-systemati c convolutional codes, leads into coverage of trellis-coded modulations, which have primary applications in high-spectral efficiency transmissions. The book further distinguishes convolutional- turbo codes from block-turbo codes and presents coding and decoding principles for each family, concluding with the implementation of turbo codes in circuits.

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منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات 40منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات 40engineer Mahmoud Abu Bakr منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات 40منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات 40
إذا لم تستطع أن تنظر امامك لأن مستقبلك مظلم ولم تستطع أن تنظر خلفك لأن ماضيك مؤلم فانظر إلى الأعلى تجد ربك تجاهك
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مدير عام المنتدى
مدير عام المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 12635
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : فى غيابات الهندسة المدنية
رقم العضوية : 3
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات   منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات I_icon_minitimeالسبت 24 نوفمبر - 13:05

ما شاء الله إيه الموضوع التحفه ده شكرا جدا جدا على المجهود الجبار ده
وأنت تستحق عن جداره الإشراف العام وانتظر الترقيه.
ويتثبت الموضوع بأربع مسامير وفيشر كمان.
ويرجى نقله لقسم المكتبه الهندسيه أفضل.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عصام محمود
عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى
عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى

عدد المساهمات : 2741
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2007
العمر : 39
رقم العضوية : 78
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الحبار كتب:
ما شاء الله إيه الموضوع التحفه ده شكرا جدا جدا على المجهود الجبار ده
وأنت تستحق عن جداره الإشراف العام وانتظر الترقيه.
ويتثبت الموضوع بأربع مسامير وفيشر كمان.
ويرجى نقله لقسم المكتبه الهندسيه أفضل.

شكرا جدا أخى العزيز المهندس الحبار وهذا بعض مما عندكم
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه
مراقب عام منتدى أقسام الكليه ومشرف قسمى حاسبات وكورسات هندسيه

عدد المساهمات : 5020
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/06/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : سرى
رقم العضوية : 10
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات   منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات I_icon_minitimeالخميس 29 نوفمبر - 5:42

شكراً جداً جداً
موضوع روووووووووووووووووووعة
يا سيف الإسلام
حقيقي إبهاااار
ومجهود كبييييييير
وفي كل التخصصات كمان
الف شكر
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات   منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات I_icon_minitimeالسبت 1 ديسمبر - 12:10

سيف الإسلام كتب:
الحبار كتب:
ما شاء الله إيه الموضوع التحفه ده شكرا جدا جدا على المجهود الجبار ده
وأنت تستحق عن جداره الإشراف العام وانتظر الترقيه.
ويتثبت الموضوع بأربع مسامير وفيشر كمان.
ويرجى نقله لقسم المكتبه الهندسيه أفضل.

شكرا جدا أخى العزيز المهندس الحبار وهذا بعض مما عندكم
هذا حقك ياسيف
وانت فعلا ممتااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااز
وياريت الاعضاء يستفيدوا منك ويقرأو مواضيعك
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عصام محمود
عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى
عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى

عدد المساهمات : 2741
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2007
العمر : 39
رقم العضوية : 78
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات   منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات I_icon_minitimeالسبت 1 ديسمبر - 19:03

شكرا للمهندسين يحيى والزعيم على ثنائهم الجميل ومرورهم الكريم

ولكن من يستحق الثناء فعلا هو المهندس محمود أبو بكر صاحب الموضوع والمجهود الجبار وكل ما فعلته هو انى نقلت الموضوع لمنتدانا الحبيب
وجزاكم الله خيرا
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى
عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى

عدد المساهمات : 1687
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/11/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : computrs laps
رقم العضوية : 236
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات   منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات I_icon_minitimeالسبت 15 ديسمبر - 10:19

ايه الموضوع الرهيب المتنوع ده
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عصام محمود
عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى
عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى

عدد المساهمات : 2741
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2007
العمر : 39
رقم العضوية : 78
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات   منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات I_icon_minitimeالجمعة 21 ديسمبر - 1:06

amir كتب:
ايه الموضوع الرهيب المتنوع ده
شكرا لك أخى امير على مرورك الكريم
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مهندس جديد
مهندس جديد

عدد المساهمات : 24
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/01/2008
العمر : 37
الموقع : الاسكندريه - سيدى بشر
رقم العضوية : 466
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات   منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات I_icon_minitimeالسبت 5 يناير - 21:14

عجز عن الشكر اللسان وعجز عن الفكر العقل وعجزت عن الاعجاب العين بصراحة انت فقت كل الحسبان
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عصام محمود
عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى
عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى

عدد المساهمات : 2741
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2007
العمر : 39
رقم العضوية : 78
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات   منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات I_icon_minitimeالأحد 6 يناير - 22:52

tato10_86 كتب:
عجز عن الشكر اللسان وعجز عن الفكر العقل وعجزت عن الاعجاب العين بصراحة انت فقت كل الحسبان

شكرا لك أخى العزيز على هذا الكلام الجميل الذى أعجز عن الرد عليه
وشكرا لمرورك الكريم
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
كبير مهندسين
كبير مهندسين

عدد المساهمات : 783
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/02/2008
العمر : 37
رقم العضوية : 547
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات   منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات I_icon_minitimeالإثنين 23 يونيو - 21:43

بسم الله
السلام عليكم
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عصام محمود
عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى
عضو بدرجة مهندس إستشارى

عدد المساهمات : 2741
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2007
العمر : 39
رقم العضوية : 78
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات   منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات I_icon_minitimeالأحد 29 يونيو - 18:47

thegladiator كتب:
بسم الله
السلام عليكم

شكرا أخى العزيز على مرورك الكريم
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
منوعات هندسية هامة لجميع التخصصات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» موقع كتب لجميع التخصصات الهندسية
» محاضرات فيديو مفيدة فى كل التخصصات
» وظائف شاغرة جميع التخصصات
» مطلوب مهندسين فى جميع التخصصات
» تأملات هامة....!!!!!!

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى طلبة كلية الهندسه بأسوان :: هندسة * هندسة :: هندسيـــــــــــات-
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